Boston Terrier Club of NSW Inc Specialty Championship Show
The Boston Terrier Club of NSW is super excited to announce that we will be conducting a Championship Specialty Show alongside the French Bulldog Club of NSW. This is the first show the club has held since 2019 under a new committee with new ideas. We plan on beautiful trophies as well as some surprises extras!
Hurry entries closing soon!
Please feel free to invite your friends, puppy owners and potential new puppy owners.
Indoor Venue - Camping Available - Monster Raffles
Following the purchase of a Golden Retriever in 1968, Goldens became a love for more than four decades and many champions were bred by us and for others in Australia and New Zealand. With the support of my husband Michael, we enjoyed great success in the breed with Best in Shows at specialties and Royals and imported dogs and semen from the UK, Sweden and Finland. One of these dogs winning the 3 rd National 2000.
In 2009, Whippets entered our lives. Our small kennel has bred three litters, five champions, including a specialty Best in Show winner. We campaigned two whippets to their Supreme Championship and won Best in Show at the NSW Whippet Club show under Editha Newton (UK) of Nevedith fame, bred by Taejaan and shown by myself.
Other breed involvements have been English Setters, Dobermans, Boston Terriers, Pointers and Labrador Retrievers.
My love of the Boston Terrier breed started some time ago when judging in Tasmania and a little baby puppy I awarded stole my heart. That commenced an interest in the breed and one day a Boston puppy came to live and be shown by us for a short time…since then my interest in Bostons has continued and they often take my eye when judging. Pre Covid I watched the breed judging at Crufts and have judged Bostons in the USA and Canada, and often around Australia and New Zealand .
My judging career commenced in the early 70’s gaining my All Breeds licence in 2002; now All Breeds (Dogs Australia, FCI and AKC). I have judged in Australia, New Zealand, UK, Sweden, Malaysia, China, India, Japan, Finland, South Africa, Canada and the USA.
A highlight was judging Bitches at The Golden Retriever Club of Scotland in 2013.
I am the only Australian on the UK Golden Retriever Club A1 Judges List.
I am Life member of the Golden Retriever Club of NSW and member of the Whippet Clubs of NSW and Vic.
Past President of the Golden Retriever National Breed Council for a period culminating in 15 years.
Past member of Dogs NSW Judges Conformation Committee and assessor. We no longer breed but look back on a life in the Dog World, has given me the opportunity to judge many breeds around the world and which all started thanks to that little Golden Retriever Puppy in 1968.
Thank you for the opportunity of judging a favourite breed.
Sandra Patterson
We are very excited to announce that Jo Meadows Photography will be our official photographer at our Championship Show on 14th September, 2024.
Jo will be doing podium photos, rings shots and is available for candid photographs.
We ask exhibitors to please support Jo, we are very appreciative to have a professional photographer in attendance to capture proceedings.
Advertising within the Club's 2024 Specialty Show Catalogue
Please submit advertising requests to the BTNSW Club email NSWBTC@outlook.com
A6 Quarter Page Ad - $10
A5 Half Page Ad - $20
A4 Full Page Ad - $40
Thank you!